huah today I woke up at 9 o'clock.. and then saw snowy online... ^^ and then I must went to airport to took off my father... and then back again to home and see snowy still online XD~ and then I asked her to went to puri..
and then today we went to puri ^^ hehe...
and then I kiss her... coz I really2 miss her.. and I'll miss her, coz tomorrow my family and I wanna go to Jogja!! hehee
maybe I can't ol too much there XD~
huah today snowy ol until late nite again ^^:;
maybe we finished chat at 2.30 a.m. XDD~
ok.. see you ^^
huah... today I sat beside snowy ^^ umm and then today was the 80th days for me to study in XII IPA A >_< I didn't realize that time came so fast... huah...
and then today I've religy remedial test and biology postponed test... and today I've did something stupid again.. when I was doin' biology test and then I handed in.. after I handed in, I've jus realized that I didn't number 3!!! >_< uh I've lost 20 score from total score 100... so I just got 70 ~_~
and then I online with snowy until now, maybe until 2 a.m XDD~
today, many of students didn't come to school, coz they're tired after finished their kartul ^^;;
today we have flag ceremonial, and then I stood up beside snowy.. but she was little bit angry, coz I can't stay and then followed the ceremonial ^^;; and then we have lessons...
after that today, I must gave lessons, and then snowy have chem lsson like usual, but she didn't follow it, so me too XDDD~... and then I follow volley extrakulikuler... hehe
yah today I was told by 'someone' about snowy.. and then snowy force me to told that [yeah, I told her, but not all :p]
ok wanna sleep
tomorrow I've religy and biology test >_<
uh I haven't studied yet..
anyway, I didn't got busy ^^;; but most of XII students were busy to finished their kartul XDD~ I got many stories about their fight to finished their kartul...
like nenex, yesterday she went home at 11-12 pm juz to finished her kartul, and then today, she brought her big size HP printer to school just to printed her kartul ^^;, and then ozie, he brought her printer and laptop too, but he didn't get his pembimbing materi's signature [mrs enny] poor him... and then many more, like surya, yesterday, he just finished his proposal, but today he finished all ^^ wasn't it great? hehe... but I finished my kartul yesterday... so today I just handed in my kartul... today I brought my laptop and my matrix, so I can ol from my class XDD~ and then I went home... and read my friends blog ^^;;
anyway I can't got full score in math T_T
ok wanna sleep
huah today i wasn't go to BTA again >_< coz, this day was the day before KarTul Deadline!! at 12 o'clock, [at INdonesian language lesson] we didn't have Indonesian language, coz the teacher gave us time to finished our KarTul, so I went to fotocopyman :P [dunno what the right word was =p] and then handed in my original printed kartul to be copied into two exemplar... and then I slept in my class ^^;; coz I was very very tired XDD~ and then when the school was over, I went to that man again to take my copied Kartul.. and then I bought some things for my Kartul, like 3 binder, 2 blue map, etc... and then the bill was surprising me ^^;; it was Rp 23,500 ^^;; I didn't realize that my kartul was consisted of 68 pages.. whew.. and then I bought naruto and yugi comics, and then ate ketoprak, bought kwetiauw and fried rice, and refuel my car tank.. and then today I used Rp 150,000.... >_<
ok wanna sleep.. I was very tired... wanna study for tommorow math test XD~ wanna got full score... ganbatte nee!!
SO SO DAY [near tiring day]
huah I still feel some pain in my twisted leg >_< dampp... today we have english and nationality test... huah I didn't prepare well for the nationality test >_< so maybe I got remidial ~_~ huah.. today we have sports lesson, and today was time to playing volley XDD~ yah but I didn't play well... I can't optimalize my skill XDD~ [narcist mode : on] huah, I feel shy coz snowy played in same team with me too :P
and then my injury gettin' worse >_< hiks...
and then I've drama for practice... and then went home.. huah I was very tired... and then sleep and got some 'treatment' again for my injury...
huah today snowy got bad mood... uh I miss to chat with her >_<
anyway today my kartul was finished!! I'm so so happy XDD~
huah tomorrow I've computer theoritical test, mandarin language test, and religy remidy >_< damp... I haven't study anything until now
now I wanna off, wanna study :D
I love u snowy
hauh today I drove car again... and then we have physics exam... before exam, I saw snowy's works and then one number from the test has the same way to finished with her works ^^;; but maybe I got 3 numbers wrong from 5 =( bad...
and then at second break time, I went downstair with snowy... and then accident happen... my leg got slippery from the stairs... and then my leg got twisted >_< it was really painful... huah... until now....
and then I didn't go to BTA, but I lied to my mom, I said that I went to BTA =( I'm so sorry mom >_<
after school was over, I went to vincent house, not to BTA, and I watched Naruto :P
and then I gave lesson again, after that arrived home at 7.00 p.m. and then my leg got some "treatment" that very painful >_< and then online until now...
anyway, my kartul was finished!!!! tomorrow I just showed up my daftar pustaka... and then finished =)
ok, wanna study kewarganegaraan [nationality] and then sleep, bubye
huah after I have less sleep yesterday, today I was very sleepy... when I woke I played operation Flashpoint again XDD~ but I gave up in one mission in campaign, coz it was really2 hard.. I was alone, without another person support, and I can't hide, coz it was in the middle of greenfield....
and then after played that, I went slept.. umm maybe at 3.30 PM and then woke at 8.00 PM XDD~ and then ol until now...
today snowy told me that she miss my sms.. I was so so happy ^^ thx God, that u met me with snowy... I love snowy ^^
huah I tired studied physic... I wanna sleep... bubye XDD~
humm.. today my mom didn't give permission for me to drive car into school... so I must went to sanur [SMU Santa Ursula] with Winarto's car XD~~
before tests, all of 12 grade student have intrakulikuler first, and then our gamelan teacher gave us time to study, [today was religy and chem]... and then we got test... uh after religy and chem last tests , I was afraid if I won't get good mark >_< and then I can did religy test [not so well, but maybe I won't get remidial XDD~] and then chem.. huah I've been wrong at 2 numbers >_< damp...
after we finished school, I eko amank and winarto went to sanur, to see its Education Fair, after that we went to TA, and I bought operation Flashpoint game.. and then I played it until dawn XDD~~ yah I wrote this when I got a free time when I played it... ehehehe... and when snowy signed off coz her internet connection was error
ok I wanna played again XD~
I love my snowy
nothing special this day... anyway my chemistry test got zero T_T damp... tomorrow I've religy and chemistry test.. and I've finished printed my karya tulis... just about waiting for some revision from my teacher...
now I wanna study religy... wanna sleep... bye
Lee Sum Wan : Hello can I speak to Annie Wan?
Mr Sori : Yes u could speak to me.
Lee Sum Wan : No! I want to speak to Annie Wan!
Mr Sori : You are now talking to someone! Who is this?
Lee Sum Wan : I'm Sum Wan. And I need to talk to Annie Wan! It's urgent!
Mr Sori : I know u are someone and u want to talk to anyone! But what's this urgent matter about?
Lee Sum Wan : Well just tell my sister Annie Wan that our brother was involved in an accident. Noe Wan got injured and now Noe wan is being sent to the hospital. Right now Avery Wan is going to the hospital.
Mr Sori : Look if no one was injured and no one was sent to the hospital from the accident that is'nt an urgent matter! You may find this hilarious but i dont have time for this!!!
Lee Sum Wan : You are rude. Who are you?
Mr Sori : I'm Sori.
Lee Sum Wan : You should be sorry. Now give me your name!
Mr Sori : I'm Sori!!
Lee Sum Wan : I don't like your tone of voice Mr and I don't care, give me your name!
Mr Sori : Look lady, I told you already I'm Sori! I'm Sori!! I'm SORI!!! You didn't even give me your name!
Lee Sum Wan : I told u before I'm Sum Wan! Sum Wan!!! You better be careful my father is Sum Buddy. And my uncle holds a very big position in the company. He is Noe Buddy!
huah, for this two days, I've to gave lesson.... huah it was very tiring job... I thought that gave lesson was fun... actually I always have fun when I doin' it... but... when it was over... my body really got tired... dunno why... yah maybe it coz far distance from my house to her house... [i gave lesson to two girls] :p
and then today [20 october] I've finished my kartul.... it was really2 tiring... and I was bored.. especially snowy wasn't online today.... so I was very tired... >__< huah this week would be a tiring and busy weeks.. kartul and a week full of tests... hopefully I can stand on.... huah I really2 tired... wannd sleep.. bye~
huah fvcking problem had just appeared... ~_~ uh... I didn't how to solve it >_< It was very complicated... and again, I stand by me... just me... not the others... when I wanted to share my problems, the person who I wanted to share with was unavailable for some reason, or something like that... so I conclude that I must took my problems... whenever I remember this fvcking problems... maybe, I'll get sad... and became weird >_<
but today I was happy, coz my mom allowed me to gave private lessons XD~ finally I've regular work :p so tommorow maybe I'll start this ^^ ok I wanna sleep
I love you
HUah today was so boring....
I woke at 9 and online :p [until now] but today matrix was disconected several time... it was not usual.... yeah... today snowy ol 3 times...
huah today at 2 o'clock I went to wnet [internet cafe] near my house to play gunbound... but 3 of them was unavailable >_< 1 was full, 1 didn't have gunbound, and 1 was closed... huah it was very tiring... and then when I arrived home, I had a headache.. coz walked in hot temperature.... and yesterday I reached 1000 posts in gameindo forum XD~ and I didn't posts anything today... coz I wanna It stucked at 1000 for 1 day :p
huah I wanna sleep now... bubye XD~
Today I have a chem post-poned test... and "luckily" I can't doin' nothing... really... from 4 questions.... I can't did it well... all of them I can't answer correctly.... damp... huah today I went to CC edu fair... and took NUS [National University of Singapore] and NTU [Nanyang Technology University] hope I can get scholarship [I know It was IMPOSIBBLE].... huah I still got misscommunication from snowy... I miss her.... >_<
ok... I wanna sleep
humm snowy told me that today was bad day for her... and maybe me too... so I can't post anything today... I wanna sleep.. uh I must study chem for tomorrow postponed test.... and then today math test results was out.. and then guess what? I got 33.3 ~_~ damp....
1. why they are friends
Cause they smile,
Cause they understand just by looking in your eyes,
Cause they know you better than you know yourself,
Cause with them you aren't afraid to be yourself,
Cause you can say something stupid or expose your deepest secrets to them,
Cause everything you do together becomes a memory,
Cause you don't need to do something special to have fun just happens,
Cause you don't need to explain anything they just know,
Cause they believe in your dreams no matter how silly they may seem,
Cause they dry your tears,
Cause you are good enough when you are with them,
Cause they love you for who you are.
2. Smiles!
Smiling is infectious,
you catch it like the flu.
when someone smiled at me today,
I started smiling too.
I passed around the corner,
and someone saw my grin.
when he smiled I realized.
I'd passed it on to him!
I thought about that smile,
then I realized it's worth.
a single smile just like mine,
could travel round the Earth!
3. A friend forever
When I was little, maybe six or seven
I asked the Lord up in heaven,
dear Lord where can I get a friend?
one that will stick with me till the end?
In a silence a voice I heard:
"Lift up your head!"
"For I am your friend, and I am here to stay.
As each day continues to fade away!"
huah... today my little sis wanted to arrived school at 6 a.m. so everything got busy, coz my housemaid wasn't at home >_< yah... everything really got busy... [baca : gedubrakan :p]
and then today I was too many abused snowy, I was so sorry to you my snowy... I'll try not abused again... today I wasn't chat to snowy... yeah, she still get mad with me :( I'm sorry...
yeah, I wanna sleep early... hopely I can sleep well...
huah, my body gettin' worse today >_< yah maybe coz I was doin' too many activity today in this hot temperature ^^;; yeah, the school finished at 12:00, nothing special today in school.. umm maybe there was... Ozie wanted our opinion and sugestion [me, snowy, elyne, and tata] about his lovelife ^^;;
yeah, after school was finished, I went to Martin's house to duel XD~ but only 1 round, coz he wanted to go to TA... so after that I and vincent went to school again to wait marcel... and I played table-tennis for a while... and I was felt that my body was gettin' worse ^^;; and then after we played, we went to Marcel house... in 3:20 p.m. snowy sms me... and it reminded me to go to BTA ^^;; yeah we late for about 30 minutes... but we met surya and nenex there... and then coz nenex was there, we didn't study well ^^;; coz nenex so bitchy [cerewet lho artina :p] and then after I was feelin' hot, rain started to fall... yeah... that was make my body even gettin' worse... and then BTA was over at 5:00 and then in middle of the way to home, there were many traffic jams... >_< if too long, maybe I'll get stress ^^;; and then arrived home, I didn't sleep.. so I must sleep right now ^^ bye..
uh I still miss you snowy >_<
today I've math test... and as usual... I haven't studied anything XD~... but it was so weird... I can do that tests easily [If I didn't misscount sth, maybe I'll get fullscore] XD~ haha
today I'm so happy... coz I can see snowy's face for a long time... I really miss her everyday ^^;;
today snowy told me about her vision where she'll studied at university...
and i just wandered... maybe we'll separated by distance when we are in univ... T_T
so that I want to take my available time to met snowy... ^^
I really love you my cute snowy...
U r the biggest God's grace that given to me ehehehe
ok I wanna sleep...
finnally I met snowy again after 3 days we didn't meet ;D I really miss her... I miss her face, I miss her voice... and I really-really miss her... my lovely snowy... that's why today I always looked at snowy's face once I had time to look her face... I really miss her cute face ^^ with that cute cheek... and rounded face XD~
and then today I didn't go to BTA again XD~ after the school was over, I went to Martin's house to dueling [test my new spellcaster deck :) ] and I finished at 3.30 XD~ and after that I checked to 78 if there was BTA or not... and there was BTA started at 3.00 XD~ and I went to marcel's house to played again XD~... humm my spellcaster deck won 4-2 vs Martin and lost 2-3 vs Marcel XD~ and at the way at home, I called snowy... I really miss her voice in phone XD~
huah I wanna sleep...
I love you, snowy
huah today I really2 didn't want to stay at home... so after I woke up, I went to puri... and then bought spellcaster's structure deck XD~ [it was costed 200k, not 150k like vincent said =( ] and then played gunbound... XD~ after that I bought vagabond comics... it was storied about Miyamoto Musashi [which the novel with same name I've read] it was great story, and finally I know how to visualited its story ^^ specially how was miyamoyo musashi look XP~
and then after that, I went home at 3 o'clock... and 5 o'clock I went to my sis' friends house to picked her out.. and when I arrived home, I went again to church... and arrived home at 9 o'clock... and I took a bath and ol until now ^^
huah tomorrow I must go to school, and I didn't take a nap... so I must sleep now... ok byee...
I love my snowy
Give out your smile to everyone, but give out your love only for one person
if I hurt you
only you that I have
only you that I love
thanks to love me
I love you too
my beloved snowy
I don't wanna see u cry
I don't wanna see u sad
so please, don't be sad
coz it makes u bad
I want you to know
that I love u
thx for all
my snowy ^^
Well this was my 1st post after my last posts in 5 October 2005... whew... last few days were make me sad, well, as usual too many problems I have to solve... too many problems I have to carry... and all of that su*ks thing must put on my own shoulder... I didn't know where I must lean myself to who... all by myself... noone care... I just nobody... I didn't have and didn't know someone that really know deeply who am I... yeah, out of those things, I was really thanks to God, to gave me ppl like snowy... She was everything to me... She was the only one I have... She was the most wonderful and beautiful things in my life... I just don't wanna lose her, I don't want to make her sad.. I wanna say so sorry to make you sad... yeah, I thought last few days problems unnecessarry to talked again... eventhough that I still didn't get any satistfied answer from you... but, just forget it... well this blog maybe would changed... just wait and see ^^
Girls says: "
- we will never be too old for sleepovers.
- gossip isnt a sin. its an art.
- we arent ashamed to cry.
- we must go to the bathroom in groups
- we have this thing called feelings. dont hurt them.
- we dont wake up looking pretty. it takes time and effort.
- sometimes is just never quite enough.
- we need girls nights OFTEN.
- we hold grudges and we never forget the things you say to us that hurt.
- it doesnt matter who dumped who or why. whenever we see an ex with another girl, it always bothers us. not because were not over you, but because we know we used to be that girl.
- makeup can hide so many things, like puffy eyes from crying to huge scars from a broken heart
- never ever ask a girl what she weighs; or imply anything about her weight being too much or too little. just don`t do it.
- never ask a girl if shes being so bitchy cause of PMS...cause other things annoy us...
- as much as we say we didnt like u that much...we did
- girls notice every little thing so be careful what you say and do
- our eyes are located in our heads. not our chest or butt. when youre not looking in our eyes, WE KN0W.
- we get a feeling in our gut when things are wrong (seriously true)
- sometimes we trust you because we want to even when we know you are lying, and it hurts"
huah today I have 2 post-poned tests, and 1 remedial tests... according to schedule, first thing that I must to do was pkn [nationality] remedial tests... and i haven't studied yet, the tests started at 8,45 a.m. but I arrived at school at 6.30 a.n. hope I could studied there... but I can't ^^;; I just played around ^^; and went to Martin's house to duel.. uh about duel, i've lost my water deck T_T but it wasn't worthed at most :p coz it only worth 200k rupiahs XD~ [if i lost my albums, i could lost at least 500k rupiahs] but I only have that single deck T_T but i've plained to create 2 new decks :p [1 warrior and 1 spellcaster] XD~ but it costs at least 300k rupiahs T_T
and then I can't did nationality test well >.< ya coz i didn't study XD~ and then I went up to comp lab, and did my post-poned test, in time only 30 minutes [if I didn't forget] huehue and that bastard comp auto-close autoCAD 2 times - -; so I must did the same work 3 times - -; and then i must went down to started post-poned physics test... so I didn't study again >.< damp... amd then I forgot 1 equation, that made me can't did it well... and then after that i ate at a soei and went home...
arrived home, I was being asked by my mom to join my dad to took some iron... and then I must washed my car >.< huah it was very tiring... after that, my leg felt stiff huah... and then at 7 i slept and at 10 woke up until now =p
and today snowy told me that she love me [again maybe =p]
I love u too my honey
thursday 6 october 2005 12:32 A.M.
Romaji Lyrics
shizukana kono yoru ni anata wo matteru no
ano toki wasureta hohoemi wo tori ni kite
are kara sukoshi dake jikan ga sugite
omoide ga yasashiku natta ne.
hoshi no furu basho de
anata ga waratte irukoto wo
itsumo negatteta
ima tookutemo
mata aeru yo ne
itsu kara hohoemi wa konna ni hakanakute
hitotsu no machigaide kowarete shimau kara
taisetsuna mono dake wo hikari ni kaete
tooi sora koete yuku tsuyosade
hoshi no furu basho e
omoi wo anata ni todoketai
itsumo soba ni iru
sono tsumetasa wo dakishimeru kara
ima toukutemo, kitto aerune
shizuka na yoru ni
English Translation
In this quiet night, I'm waiting for you
During that time, your smile has faded away
Now that a little time has passed,
Fond memories start to resurface.
At the place where stars fall,
I'm always wishing for your laughter.
Even though we're apart now
We can meet again, right?
From when has my smile faded this much
Since it was shattered by one mistake
Change only the precious things into light and*
Go beyond the sky with fortitude.
To the place where stars fall,
I want my thoughts to reach you.
I am always by your side
Since I will embrace that coldness.
Even though we're apart now,
We will definitely be back together.
In the quiet night...
TOday I woke at 11 [again] that was my habit when I was in holiday XD~
and then saw snowy online... and then i know why yesterday she became so weird =p
and then i ol until now....
and, tommorow i have at least 2 tests XD~ physic postponed test and pkn/kewarganegaraan [nationality] remedial XD~ and until now i haven't studied yet... huehuehue
huah ok, today my mood was bad, so i said goodbye faster :p
Two weeks ago was my 35th birthday and I wasn't feeling too hot that morning anyway. I went to breakfast knowing my wife would be pleasant and say "Happy Birthday" and probably have a present for me.
She didn't even say "Good Morning" let alone any "Happy Birthday."
I thought, "Well, that's wives for you, the children will remember." The children came in to breakfast and didn't say a word. When I started to the office I was feeling pretty low and despondent.
As I walked into my office my secretary, Janet, said, "Good morning, boss. Happy Birthday."
And I felt a little better; someone had remembered. I worked until noon. Then, Janet knocked on my door and said, "You know, it's such a beautiful day outside and
it's your birthday, let's go to lunch, just you and me"
I said, "By George, that's the greatest thing I've heard all day. Let's go." We went to lunch. We didn't go where we normally go; we went out to the country to a little private place. We had two martinis and enjoyed lunch tremendously.
On the way back to the office, she said, "You know, it's such a beautiful day. We don't need to go back to the office, do we?"
I said, "No, I guess not."
She said, "Let's go to my apartment." After arriving at her apartment she said, "Boss, if you don't mind, I think I'll go change."
"Sure," I excitedly replied.
She went into the bedroom and, in about six minutes, she came out carrying a big birthday cake, followed by my wife, children, and dozens of our friends, all singing
"Happy Birthday."
And there I sat... on the couch... naked!
press ctrl + A to see it ^^
[Note this is worked only in Internet Explorer browser]
1. cocacola dulu berwarna hijau
2. nama yang paling umum digunakan di dunia adalah Mohammad
3. dalam bahasa inggris, semua nama benua diawali dan diakhiri dengan huruf vokal yang sama.
4. otot terkuat yang ada di badan kita adalah lidah.
5. setiap orang di USA punya 2 kartu kredit!
6. TYPEWRITER adalah kata terpanjang yang dapat diketik dalam satu baris tuts keyboard anda
7. perempuan ngedip dua kali lebih banyak dari pada laki-laki.
8. menahan nafas tidak akan membuatmu mati.
9. setiap manusia tidak dapat menjilat siku tangannya sendiri.
10. kalau ada orang bilang 'bless you' setiap kali ada yang bersin karena memang setiap kali kau bersin, jantungmu berhenti satu milisecond.
11. secara fisik, setiap babi tidak bisa melihat ke langit.
12. ucapkan "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" beberapa kali. nanti anda akan mahir berbahasa inggris!
13. bersin terlalu keras dapat mematahkan tulang iga, memutuskan pembuluh darah di kepala atau leher dan mengakibatkan kematian.
14. setiap raja dalam kartu remi melambangkan raja-raja besar jaman dahulu kala:
raja sekop - raja daud
raja kriting - alexander agung
raja hati - raja charlemagne
raja wajik - julius caesar
15. 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 =
16. kalau ada patung orang naik kuda dan dua kaki depan kuda itu naik di udara, itu tandanya orang itu mati dalam perang.
17. kalau kaki kudanya cuma satu yang diangkat berarti orang itu cuma terluka dalam perang.
18. kalau semua kaki kudanya menjejak tanah, berarti orang itu meninggal karena sakit.
19. apa persamaan rompi anti peluru, printer laser, tangga darurat dan wiper mobil?
jawabannya: semua ditemukan oleh perempuan!
20. satu-satunya makanan yagn tidak bisa busuk? jawaban : madu
21. buaya nggak bisa melet lidah.
22. siput bisa tidur selama 3 tahun
23. semua beruang kutub KIDAL!
24. American Airlines menghemat $40,000 tahun 1987 dengan cara mengurangi 1 buah olive dari setiap piring salad yang mereka sajikan untuk penumpang kelas 1.
25. indera perasa kupu-kupu ada di kaki
26. gajah adalah satu-satunya hewan yang tidak bisa lompat
27. selama 4000 tahun belakangan ini, jenis hewan yang dipelihara di rumah cuma itu-itu saja.
28. rata-rata manusia lebih takut pada laba-laba daripada kematian.
29. shakespeare menemukan kata : "assassination" dan "bump"
30. dengan menggunakan cara mengetik 10 jari, STEWARDESSES adalah kata terpanjang yang bisa diketik hanya dengan jari-jari tangan kiri.
31. semut selalu jatuh ke kanan setiap kali disemprot cairan anti hama
32. kursi listrik ditemukan oleh seorang dokter gigi
33. jantung manusia dapat menyemprotkan darah sejauh 30 kaki.
34. dalam 18 bulan, 2 ekor tikus bisa punya lebih dari sejuta anak tikus!
35. memakai headphone selama satu jam dapat menstimulasi perkembangan bakteri dalam telinga sebanyak 700 kali lipat!
36. pemantik ditemukan sebelum korek api.
37. setiap lipstik mengandung sisik ikan.
38. seperti sidik jari, lidah manusia pun mempunyai kontur yang berbeda-beda.
39. dan akhirnya, 99% orang yang baca tulisan ini pasti mencoba menjilat siku tangannya.
snowy, what happen with u today? why u so weird [in my sight]... was i did sth wront? i really sorry if i did it >.<
hope u forgive me...
i don't wanna lose you
coz i love u...
snowy pleas, forgive me.. and told me if i wrong m(_ _)m
huah.... lately i became lazy to post my journal ^^;;
nothing special in 4 days ago... just like an ordinary days...[at least to me]
but for the world, yesterday were suicide bombingi in Bali [second time, after 2002 bomb explode in Bali]... i just wandering, why i born in Indonesia, in this pathetic country....
i love my indonesia, but not its person ~_~ [not all of course]... this country had so many resources for use to use, to make this country even better... but? what pur people did to this country? they just destroyed it, make its name became bad... yeah i just can't understand why they did it...
and about bomb....
when the suspects was asked "why you did all of this?" they confidently said that their religion [some religion called "islam"] as their background to the the terrorism that they did... why always religion? huh, i just can't stop shake my head... was it taught to kill someone? i thought
WHATEVER THE REASON WAS, KILLING HUMAN WAS UNFORGIVEN especially killing many people in one time... and anyone who read this posts saw first Bali's bomber suspect? they just smile and shout aloud called their God, praise their God after they killed many people? did you see their smile? who's the hell can do that? that's not funny at all, that won't make someone proud their God after kill many people... yeah, one logic concluision =
they're crazy
fuck those people, who make this country make even worst....
Bali was the number one tourism object in Indonesia,Bali was the place which attracted many international tourist... so why must Bali?
i thought, why Moslem wasn't think that Aceh's big disaster was a "warning" from their God to not to abuse the other people...
uh that was my thought....